Introducing the Culture of the ‘Land of Ginseng’, LODI Global Holds Korea DIY Show in Tangerang City – indonesia

LODI Global Indonesia and Kotins Inc officially held the Korea DIY Show 2024 at TangCity, Cikokol, Tangerang City, Indonesia, Friday, May 31, 2024.

The Korea DIY Show itself is a performance to introduce cultures from the ‘Land of Ginseng’, starting from culinary to education.

CEO of LODI Global Indonesia and Kotins, Gregory Son said, for today’s performance, his party focused on introducing a variety of South Korean culinary specialties from North Jeolla Province.

“Today we want to introduce Korean culture such as KPop and Korean Fashion from North Jeolla Province,” he said.

Gregory Son revealed, today there are 10 cultural outlets from South Korea.

According to him, those who came to the DIY Show 2024 were companies that received funding from the Government.

“Also, earlier from the Korean arts school, the graduates were famous people like BTS Jungkook,” he explained.

Gregory Son explained that currently Korean culture is booming or is being loved by Indonesian people, especially in the culinary field.

The benefits of this event, according to him, can introduce Korean cuisine and culture, and make people more curious about other cultures from the ‘Gingseng Country’.

“Hopefully in the future Indonesians can be more interested in Korean cultures from the culinary and education fields, and not only in the city center, but cities in other provinces can also be famous from this event,” he said.

In the monitoring of journalists at the location, Korean lovers approached the 2024 DIY Show to see the famous Korean Drama Artist Park Min Kyuu.

It is known that Park Min Kyuu himself played in a number of popular dramas, such as SEASONS OF BLOSSOM, IDOL: THE COUP, and so on

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